Community Bike Projects
Watsonville Bike Shack
The Watsonville Brown Berets are collaborating with Bike Churchers to help folks fix bikes at the Bike Shack Warehouse on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4 to 6pm and at the Friday farmer's market in downtown Watsonville from 4 to 7pm. ozelotl describes the project goals on the Brown Beret blog: We have decided that the strong presence of bicycles in the community would be essential in a community with a large number of undocumented workers who cannot legally obtain a driver’s license, as well as for all the homies who can’t afford an expensive car and would rather sport a beach cruiser. Bike Church is for la comunidad by la comunidad. Take advantage! |
UCSC Bike Co-Op
Since 1995, The Bike Co-op has been serving the UCSC campus with full service and DIY bicycle repair. The Bike Co-op is a student run collective. It also needs your help, so get involved! It's a great opportunity. Learn more at their website: Check out the short Bike Co-op documentary |
Cabrillo Bike Co-Op.

There's a new bike co-operative at Cabrillo College in Aptos! Learn more about it here.
Oakland Bikery
The Bikery is a Cycles of Change community bike shop collectively-run by Oakland-based educators of color. We prioritize the learning and leadership of youth, people from Oakland and the Bay Area, women, queer and transgender folks. We work to empower each other with the skills, knowledge and resources of biking, partnering with youth from the community and local schools. Learn more at |
The Bike Kitchen, San Francisco, CA

The Bike Kitchen teaches people of all ages and backgrounds how to repair bicycles. Through bike repair and bicycle related projects, the Bike Kitchen promotes personal development and provides leadership opportunities. Operating as a cooperative shop, we provide affordable ways to acquire and maintain a bike, offer youth programs, encourage re-use and recycling, and work with community groups to get more people on bicycles.
Sacramento Bike Kitchen - Sacramento, CA

SBK is a community-centered bicycle shop serving the residents of Sacramento, California. The organization has been formed in order to promote cycling as a low-cost, alternative form of transportation; enable self-sufficiency through knowledge of bicycle maintenance; and promote bicycle safety through education and classes.
Monterey Bike Coop to be
Even earlier in gestation is a bike project in Monterey, which is currently looking for space. The Bike Church has offered support and the Montereyers are ready to volunteer, so if you know of an appropriate space please contact us.
Other shops in other places

There are community bike shops much like the Bike Church in many other cities around the US, Canada, and elsewhere. Looking for a shop where you live? Try looking here.